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Discover Our Expertise

CONSULTING AVIATION exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity.

Services: Services
Data on a Touch Pad

Audit & Recommendations

Achieve Your Goals

The Audit:  Consisting in ensuring the completeness and regularity of the accounts of a company, mainly to make a judgment on the quality and the rigor of its management. Independent and objective process, which gives a company an assurance on the degree of control of its operations and provides advice for continuous improvement by helping to create added value.  Restructuring follows the audit stage and according to the recommendations, we can then propose a restructuring of the company, based on the weaknesses of the departments targeted and affecting the efficiency of the operations. We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

Aircraft Maintenance

Provision of Specialized Human Resources

Short or Long Term Contracts

We offer the services of mechanics and engineers for most types of aircraft, small and heavy,   Airbus, Beech, Boeing, Bombardier, Fokker, and many others. CA can deloy instructors at all levels tailored to the needs and demands of clients. For already licensed pilots, we offer additional training:   Aeronautical English, Communication Resource Management, Emergency Procedures, Hazardous Goods training, Fuel Management, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and much more.

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Operations Manual

Expert Guidance

The essential Operations manual provides information, instructions and procedures to ensure the safe conduct of air operations and operational control and provides security and standardization of separate operations to companies.  Studies and reviews of flight manuals including: Company Standard Procedures Safety Measures Emergency Procedures NTP Training Program Safety Management System (SMS). Dangerous Goods Quality Assurance Program. SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). It is the set of procedures that ensure cohesion between the crew members of an aircraft.


Strategic Management

Grow Your Business

This program aims to train versatile and successful managers who will contribute to the world of air transport.  More specifically, the program aims to:

  • Develop a global vision of the management of an organization in air transport.

  • Raise awareness of national and international regulations in the field of civil aviation.

  • To acquire the knowledge necessary for the operation of an airport.

  • Develop the skills required of a manager, at a local, regional or international airport.

  • Develop fundamental skills in finance and accounting in the field of air transport.

  • Understand the rationale for the marketing function in the airline industry.

  • Raise awareness of the strategic approach to air transport marketing.

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ICAO Level of Standard

Adhering to the International Standards

Consulting Aviation can analyze and supervise non-standard airlines to achieve ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) certification and ensure that the minimum security and efficiency requirements are enforced and respected. Establish with its partners, the best strategy to enable small airlines to develop their operations beyond the confined territory thus promoting  interconnectivity and increasing revenues.


Pilot Training - Initial & Refresh

For Your Pilots and new Hires

Initial type-rating training and periodic refresher training, upgrade, transition, supplemental and advanced training for pilots in all segments of civil aviation. Training for pilots specific to the types of aircraft used.
Training and upgrading of aircrew skills for airlines already having active operations and flying personnel.


Flight Crew & Ground Personnel Training

Improve Effectiveness

Training of new Flight Crew or to improve the effectiveness of existing personnel.
Training of ground personnel:  Ground hand agent, Reservation agent Aircraft assistant Reception and information agent Passenger agent Parking service agent Luggage / lost property agent Maintenance and technical support etc..

Person Rolling Suitcase in Airport

Airport Security & Safety Training

Security is Paramount

Reduce the rate and cost of incidents/accidents, improve communication, productivity, and help airports meet their legal responsibilities for safety management.  Implementation of successful SMS in airports promotes a culture of security within the organization. Identify the importance of risk management in relation to SMS and train how to assess, prioritize and reduce risks.  We then analyze the impact of human factors on safety and then develop skills to detect, control and prevent errors in the environment of an airport.


Aéroport, St-Hubert, QC  J3Y 8Y9


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